Lighting Candles

During Lent many Christians increase focus on Christ through prayer, the sacraments and acts of charity.  Below is an excerpt from the book On My Way.

During the Easter Vigil the priest takes the Easter candle and lights the candles of those near Him. The candle lighting spreads throughout the church. As more and more candles are lit the once small light grows into a glow which illuminates the entire church.

When we share the gospel or use our gifts to spread the love of God with those we meet, our light takes root in them. Now others are touched by God’s love which is uplifting for them and encourages them to share kindness with those they meet.

Each time God’s love is shared in any form, a smile, a helping hand, a special moment, a sharing of the gospel, a spontaneous gesture or a donation, it illuminates those we touch. They then take the light we gave them and share it with others. Soon our neighborhood, family, church, workplace, and world will be illuminated. It does not take long for God’s love to spread. All it takes is us sharing God’s love and gifts each and every day. At the end of the day, we will never know how many candles were lit because of our actions in sharing the love of God.

How many candles will you light tomorrow, along with using the spontaneous opportunities God places before you?

The sharing of God’s love is a gift, a gift from God to us, from us to others. It is when we listen to His voice and do His will with love that we become one with Him and His joy shines like a beacon from within.

Under True Stories on the website under Lighting Candles are two stories that are pertinent to the 40 days of Lent. The stories are not conversion stories, but they provide inspiration on ways to introduce others to a deeper relationship with Christ and His universal church