A friend sent me this poem. It was written when his first grandbaby was born, approximately 7 years ago. It is from the perspective of what a person sees through their life, from the time they are born, until the time they become a grandparent. It takes us back 5 generations and looks forward two generations. Quite an interesting poem.
His own grandfather was born in 1885 and was about 75 years old by the time he was born in 1960. So, between 1885 and 1960, life changed in countless ways. He wondered what his own grandbaby would see in his lifetime.
Grandbaby, Grandbaby What Will You See?
Grandbaby, Grandbaby, what will you see,
by the time you become a Grandparent, so proud like me?
Things change so quickly, technology has evolved.
What will life be like, what challenges will be solved?
My Grandpa before me saw so much new automation
Things previously thought possible, only in one's imagination.
Tractors replaced horses, electricity came to the home
And connected by wires, you could talk through a phone.
Man learned to fly and you could travel by plane
Cars replaced buggies, trucks delivered our grain.
TV came to the home, with picture and voice
You could select from three channels, what a wide wonderful choice.
By the time I was born, it was all normal to me
My Grandpa must have wondered, what would I see?
Now that I'm a Grandpa, I can look back and reflect,
At the changes I've seen, with awe and respect.
Interstate highways, the first man on the moon
On-line orders are delivered, the next day before noon.
You can talk "to" your phone, send an e-mail or text
Your phone talks back to you, and tells you where to turn next.
Self driving cars have been tested for miles
3D objects are printed, from your computer's design files.
TV has evolved, with sound all around
1,000 channels plus movies, the choices astound.
Grandbaby, Grandbaby, what will you see,
by the time you become a Grandparent, so proud like me?
Will delivery drones take your children to school,
Will self driving cars be the general rule?
Will you fly across the country, in less than an hour,
Live wherever you want, with no office tower?
Will your house be powered by the wind and the sun's rays,
Will you blow on a pin-wheel, and have power for days?
Will the watch that you wear, be your phone and tell time,
Replace your doctor, Diagnose you, Inject your medicines for a dime?
Will you have a home shopping portal? Your size it would scan,
Print your order in an instant, in any color known to man?
Technology will be great, but take time for the simples
Join your Grandparents for lunch. Smile. Show your dimples.
Read a book, go fishing, run outside and play,
and thank God for your blessings, each time that you pray.
Not all things will change, I hope you will see
Like the love from your family, and fond memories of your Grandma and me.
Oh Grandbaby, Grandbaby, what will you see...............
Written for Henry Mitchell Olsen, by Grandpa Olsen - February 28, 2016