“The Mulligan” story is being posted under, “True Stories,” on the website.
It is a fitting post because it reminds us that life is a journey. Like Bill, many of us are in the second half of our lives. Richard Rohr says everyone must struggle and wander through the first half before we discover the second half. Even most of the saints bounced around life before they had a conversion.
Maybe you have not yet felt God’s overwhelming love and presence in a Spiritual awakening. If you have had a conversion, you are in the process of becoming a mature Christian to mentor others. When you share your story, you encourage others to say, “Yes Lord,” when He asks them to leave their comfort zone and put into the deep.
If you studied the Circles in the book “On My Way,” you should be able to visualize and follow Bill’s progress toward heaven. I, like Bill, believe we do get a mulligan in this life as He has more for us to do for Him here on earth before He takes us home.