Why Does God Make People with Down's Syndrome?

There are two stories: Carol Frient’s son Jacob and Joe & Sharon Olson’s son Matthew.

My friend Jim Frient sent me a letter from, Carol, his Sister-in-law. His brother Jack died from cancer two years ago. In Carol and Jack, God made very devout people who tried to live as Christ lived. They have 11 children. Three with special needs were adopted and are still living at home. Two are blind and of course Jacob about whom this story is written. I am sure Carol could share many stories about any of her children, but she thought Jacob’s story could help people understand that the soul is what is most important.

The second story is from my friends Joe and Sharon Olson and their son Matthew. The name Matthew means, “gift from God.” I myself have not met Matthew, but my daughter and grand children have met Matthew and they will never forget him.

The Lord gave me these stories to remind us that even before we are born God gave us a soul and there is a design and purpose for everyone’s life. No one knows what could have been God’s plan for those who were aborted.

Jeremiah 1: 5

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you.
